Friday 7 March 2014

The End is Near! Concluding thoughts on ICT

This past week has been met with mixed emotions as we conclude our class time portion of this term, and get ready to start our final student teaching placements. Although I am very excited to be back in the classroom, and to be one step closer to the end goal of being a certified teacher... it is sad to say goodbye to all the friendships made along the way with fellow students and professors. I will miss them all and look back on our time of learning together fondly. 

As I think back to all that I have learned from my professor Mike Nantais in ICT over the past 2 years, it is amazing to reflect on how far I've come in terms of implementing technology into the classroom and in daily life.  Some new digital skills/strategies I have acquired include:
  • Creating videos
  • Creating digital stories
  • Creating websites ( In ICT I was able to make a classroom website and a professional portfolio online)
  • Writing a blog
  • Building a professional learning network on twitter and GooglePlus
  • Using a bunch of great websites, such as: tagxedo, worlde, pixlr, pearltrees, weebly, animoto, photofunia, compfight, iMovie and Movie Maker, Prezi, HaiukDeckm etc.
  • The list continues, these are just to mention a few!
I am so grateful for all that I have learned and will be able to take with me into the classroom. I owe a big thank you to Mike Nantais and my fellow classmates who have all taught me so much in the past 2 years. I wish you all the best of luck in the future!

Stay tuned for posts on my experiences in my final student teaching placement! ~ Miss A


  1. Thanks for the kind words, Tiffany. It has been a great few years of learning & sharing. Nice image & quote, too. All teh best in your career, keep in touch!

  2. Thanks Mike! Will keep in touch through cyber space. :)
