Thursday 17 January 2013

About this Rookie Blogger:

Hello everyone! Thanks for checking out my blog. I have to admit that this page did not come about voluntarily, but is a requirement for a course I’m in called “Internet for Educators.” If it weren't for this course my blogging experience would likely entail “creeping” on others pages and admiring their insightful words, resources and experiences. That part I’m good at, but now that I have joined the world of bloggers, I hope that some of my words, resources and experiences will be of use to others as well. My intention for this blog is to share my learning and experiences with you as I complete my education degree and start my teaching career.

I guess I should have started by telling you a little about myself (rookie blogger mistake). My name is Tiffany, and I am a first year education student at Brandon University. I have always been passionate about sharing my knowledge with others. I realized this passion when I started working as a personal trainer. During my grade 12 year I became a certified personal trainer, and enjoyed improving clients’ lifestyles through exercise and nutrition plans for the next 3 years. After taking a year off from school to train full time I enrolled in BU’s Physical Education program. I was excited about the idea of being a gym teacher and having the opportunity to teach kids at a young age how to live healthy lifestyles and the importance of staying active beyond their school years. Now that I am in the education faculty, I have become excited about teaching not only physical education, but all subjects. Although I may have a sweet spot for physical education, I truly think that I will be happy teaching any subject because they are all so important.

In preparation for a career in education, I changed roles from personal trainer after my second year at BU. Now, during the school year I work at an after-school program called “Lighthouse,” where my role is to provide supervision for students and participate in fun activities with them. This has allowed me to develop some mad dodgeball skills! During the summer, I work as a youth activity coordinator for the cities “YAC” summer camps. Both of these jobs have provided me with valuable experience interacting with youth as a leader and mentor, much like I will when I am a teacher.

Outside of education, I enjoy travelling, playing sports (mostly baseball, tennis and soccer), curling up with a good book, playing and cuddling with my chocolate lab Gracie, and spending time with family and friends. Thank you for reading!


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging, Tiffany! It's a rewarding process starting to give back to the e-community. I look forward to learning with and from you in this course.

  2. Tiffany, welcome to Blogger. I think blogging will come naturally to you since you have such a passion for sharing your knowledge with others as a personal trainer and mentor. I look forward to connecting and sharing with you through blogging and face-to-face interactions in the classroom.

  3. Welcome to the blogging world! I'll admit that my blog wasn't started voluntarily either, but I'm hoping with time and experience this will become more natural to us newbies. I agree with what Lisa said - if your passion is sharing knowledge with others I think you'll be a natural :)
