Wednesday 23 January 2013

Thoughts from Dr. Alec Couros's Presentation

"The world doesn't care about what you know, it cares about what you can do with what you know."
-Tony Wagner

Dr. Alec Couros shared this Tony Wagner quote with us yesterday, during his skype visit to our "internet for educators" class.  He shared many great quotes with us, but this one struck me the most. I guess I always thought that it was enough just to know the subject material which you teach, and present it in a way that students will understand and be interested in learning about. 

I still think its important for teachers to do that, but Alec's presentation made me realize that there is so much more we can do with "what we know" through the internet. With a simple click of the "share" button, teachers and students can reap benefits of sharing their knowledge and experiences with the world. These benefits may not just come from outside influences. Dr. Alec talked to us about the difference in motivation of publishing for your class and publishing for the world. Through this increase in motivation, teacher's start to see their students' best work and students' can realize their full potential. 

It is no longer enough to do powerful work if no one sees it."
-Chris Lehmann

This quote by Chris Lehmann is another powerful one that Alec shared with us. After hearing his presentation, I can say that he has given me a fresh perspective about using technology in the classroom. I used to think about what I could get from the internet, but now I realize that by sharing on the internet, you can reap so much more. Like the old saying, "You reap what you sow."- This is my new motto for technology in the classroom and I'm really excited about it. 


  1. Those are great quotes for any teacher or pre-service teacher to keep in the back of their mind as they move forward through their career. Sharing is very important, even though most people have the notion that their information, activity, or resource is not good enough and a waste of time to share with others. The must get over the fear of embarrassment and just hit that button!
    To end with a quote from Oscar P M Lopes, “I like to share, because if I do not share, I'll do exactly the same thing, but unfortunately alone."

  2. "It is no longer enough to do powerful work if no one sees it" - Chris Lehmann

    I like this quote a lot, if you create something that you are proud of (especially as a educator) then why not share it with others... get it out their for people to use and see. If you share, they will share back.

  3. I like your reap what we sow analogy. Just by sharing one thing we could be helping hundreds of people down the line, like planting one apple seed makes a tree that produces produces apples in abundance!
