Tuesday 28 January 2014

George Couros' 5 great reasons to create an online portfolio... just in the nick of time!

Why create an online portfolio? Who better to take notes from than Mr. George Couros?!  Just as I was contemplating why I should spend countless hours creating a professional online portfolio, I came across this blog from George: 5 Reasons Your Portfolio should be online. Talk about perfect timing!! For those of my classmates who are short on time and contemplating creating their own online portfolios, here's what George has to say in a nutshell!

  1. The Google Factor: A digital portfolio means a digital footprint! As future educators it is important that we have a positive online presence and teach our students to create the same!
  2. Searching and Organization: Rather then flipping through a large paper binder, fellow teachers and employers can easily navigate though your online portfolio and quickly find what they are looking for.
  3. Anywhere, any place and any time access: This point is all about convenience. Don't have that portfolio binder on hand? No problem, here's the link!
  4. Creating Opportunities instead of looking for them:  It's important to remember that the thoughts and ideas you have are unique and may be very useful to others. When you publish your work online, anyone can view it, connect with you, and as a result, opportunities may come knocking. Aren't you glad you clicked, "Share?!" :)
  5. Continuous Learning: George encourages us to, "look at online portfolios as both a way to "showcase" and "learn."" The process of creating a portfolio is a great way to solidify ones ideas, beliefs and philosophy surrounding education. As future teachers this is a very important process for us to go through. 
For the full version of George's 5 reasons to create an online portfolio, check out the link posted above. Good luck everyone and stay tuned for the publishing of my online portfolio... this slight perfectionist better get to work! ~T


  1. Hey Tiff, I was thinking the exact same thing yesterday when I was reading his blog :) great timing! I've been on the fence about how much effort I want to put into my ePortfolio but now I do see the value in it and better get my butt in gear!

  2. Agreed Alaura! Good luck! :)
