Monday 20 January 2014

Shelley Wright: An inspirational Inquiry-Based Teacher

I have just realized  a new reason to love blogging! In my previous post, I shared some thoughts I had on inquiry-based learning and expressed my interest in continuing to learn about this teaching style. One of my professors, Mike Nantais read my post and suggested that I follow Shelley Wright's blog, a high-school teacher from Moose Jaw, SK. So I've read through some of her blogs and watched the above video, and as a result I have been left feeling so inspired! Not only am I inspired by Shelley and her students, but I'm also inspired by blogging. If it hadn't been for my previous post, I may have never been able to learn from Shelley, and hopefully connect with her in the future.

"Our students will exceed our expectations of them, if we only give them the opportunity." I love this quote from Shelley in the above video. As adults, I think many of us are guilty of limiting young people with our expectations. We tend to be more rational, logical and realistic. However, kids aren't like that, and when given the opportunity, they can do amazing things. Shelley's video is a great example of that. If you are also interested in inquiry-based learning, I recommend following Shelley Wright's blog.

Have a great day! ~ T


  1. Shelley also wrote one of the chapters in the book we are reading: Powering Up.
