Monday 24 February 2014

Pay it Forward... A Great Project for Teachers and Students!

When you give students the freedom to be creative and take ownership of their learning.... they just might do something amazing! The professor of my ICT class found this out, after giving us the assignment of creating a video with the topic of our choice, which resulted in him being given a coffee and a cookie. Amazing, right?! ;) 

Some of you may have noticed that there is a new fad of "NEKnominations" that have gone viral all over the world. The jist of this nomination: It involves the person who is nominated downing a drink, within 24 hours of their nomination and then passing on the torch to someone else. Somehow this has really caught on and lately my facebook wall is full of video's of people participating in this. I couldn't help but think how pointless this all seemed and wondered if a positive nomination of people doing good for others would catch on like NEK nominations have. So, when brainstorming video ideas with my group members, we came up with the idea of PIF nominations, which stands for Pay It Forward nominations. We then set to work, thinking of simple, small ways that we could brighten the lives of those around us, and we created the above video.

We have decided to share our video online and are challenging everyone to participate in paying it forward. PIF nominations would be a great project for building community within a classroom. Students could complete a PIF nomination individually or as a class, brainstorm some good deeds that they can do for others and have the experience of creating and sharing a video. They would also share the sense of accomplishment and the warm and fuzzy feeling of helping others. I plan to do a PIF nomination in my upcoming final student teaching placement. I hope you will join me and my group members in spreading this nomination. Good luck everyone! ~Miss A

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