Monday 17 February 2014

Video Production, Digital Stories, Website Building, and Photo Editing... We've been busy!

These last few weeks our ICT class has been very busy learning how to create videos and digital stories, build websites, and edit photos. These are very useful tools/skills to have experienced firsthand.  I am excited to share these ideas with students, and have included a bunch of links to online resources in this blog post. Check them out. :)  

Video Production & Digital Stories

Video production and digital stories are a fun and creative way to have students present and share their knowledge and ideas with the class.  I really enjoyed using animoto to create a personal digital story: Our summer Trip- Las Vegas 2013 I think that there are many educational ways that students could use animoto. 

Other sites that can be used to create digital stories:

Last week, our class began the process of creating a video. To create our video we have decided to use iMovie,  a great resources, however it is only available on apple products. We are still in the process of editing our video, so stay tuned for the final product! Another great resource for creating videos is Windows Movie Maker.

Classroom Website Creation

Creating a website is another great way for students to share information, and is a great skill to have. I created my own classroom website in preparation for my teaching career, using weebly. Weebly has been very user friendly and it creates attractive and easy to navigate sites. 

Other sites that can be used to create your own website:
Simple Site

Photo Editing

One way of finding great photo's is searching compfight photos, and selecting "creative commons," to find photos that are free to use ( so long as you give credit to the photographer). Once you've selected your photo, you can edit it using pixlr. This is my favorite way to find and edit photos because it is so simple. Here is an example of a photo I found on compfight and edited with pixlr: 

Other sites that can be used for photo editing:

I hope you are able to try out some of these awesome resources with your students. 

Until my next post,
~ Miss A

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