Thursday 7 March 2013

Infographics....Information visually displayed using graphics?

6 Emerging Technologies in Education Infographic

After researching and looking at infographics, I found this one on the 6 Emerging Technologies in Education. <--- My last post happened to be on this topic and I must say that the same information presented in this way is so much more visually appealing than the super long blog I wrote about it. There in-lies the purpose of infographs: To provide a visual representation of information in a quick, clear and visually appealing manner.

Infographics could be very useful in the classroom. When teaching information that may be difficult to understand, infographics provide a visual component to make understanding easier. Although infographics are time consuming to make, once you have made them you have them forever and can share them with others.

The infographic that I made was on "The life of a hashtag." The hashtag I chose to use is the one that we have been using in this course: I4Ed. --->

Conclusion: +Tyler Letkeman wooped us. Thanks for tweeting Tyler! ~T

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