Sunday 3 March 2013

Our turn to speak: Group Presentation Week!

This past week in I4Ed we did not have a speaker. Instead, we were given the opportunity to work in groups and research a current internet topic in education, and present our findings to the class. First, I must say that I really enjoyed each of the presentations. They were all informative and everyone did a great job!

My group was the first to present. Our topic was on “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD). Schools are starting to movie in this direction and we were interested in learning more about it. We researched the different devices available for student use (there are many), the statistics around BYOD, the variety of available apps that could be used in a BYOD classroom (again...there are many), the policies for BYOD and the benefits and risks of BYOD. To view all of the information we found, please see our presentation!

The second group to present talked about, "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of the internet." The Good: The internet provides students and teachers with quick access to information, and the ability to contact and network with people all over the world. The internet allows teachers to bring the world into their classrooms, and not to mention the millions of resources available to teachers and students online. The Bad: The internet is a great tool... unless it used inappropriately. It is much easier for students to plagiarize today with a simple “copy and paste,” off the internet. Teachers need to be extra cautious of this. The internet also provides students with the opportunity to post any words or pictures online. Young people do not always use their discretion when posting and do not realize the consequences of their online actions. This can get them into trouble. The internet has also formed a new and easy way for bullying to take place. Cyber bullying is another issue  teachers should be aware of and on the lookout for. Lastly, there is credible and non-credible information available on the internet. Teachers need to warn students about non-credible information and teach them how to distinguish it from credible information. The Ugly: The ugly side of the internet includes things like cyber harassment/ bullying, black mailers/predators, and job losses due to inappropriate digital footprints. This last point is so important. As educators, we need to inform our students that their online actions can stay with them for life. Future employers are likely to Google candidates to see if they are right for the job. It’s important to think before your post. To see this groups presentation: click here.

The third groups presentation was called, “How not to steal from the internet.” This was a very informative presentation. I realized how I unknowingly have been guilty of stealing from the internet by not attributing a picture that I used to its owner, or the same with videos, etc. Although I have been lucky so far, the consequences for these actions could be great. So as a teacher, we need to warn and educate our students about how not to steal from the internet. One of the best ways to do this is through modelling. Attribute all of your pictures and videos etc., in your presentations to the class, and educate and expect the same from your students.  To see the website that this group made, visit this website.

The fourth group also had an interesting topic on “Internet Filters.” Internet filters serve a great purpose. They prevent inappropriate online behavior, and monitor and protect students from inappropriate content. However, this group brought up the point that sites that can be a great learning resource are unfortunately also blocked to meet these goals. For example, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest, just to name a few, are often blocked from both student and teachers use. The connections and resources available from these sites are endless and it’s a shame that students and teachers are unable to access them. For more information about internet filters,check out this website.

The last group had a very entertaining and unique presentation on "Cyber Bullying." This group made their own video to portray the way that the media blows up the issue of cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is a serious issue, however research shows that it is the least common form of bullying. So why does it get so much attention? The media! It’s important for educators and everyone to look at the facts. If cyber bullying is the least common form of bullying, let’s find out what the most common form is and focus on that. To check out this video, visit this link.

With one week of class remaining, I have learned so much from our presenters outside of BU, and the presenters’ right inside our classroom. Great job everyone! ~T

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