Saturday 23 February 2013

App Show and Tell!

Did you know that there is an App for Edmodo?!!

If you aren't familiar with Edmodo, it is a free website that provides an easy and safe way for teachers to connect with students and students to connect with each other. The layout of the website is very user friendly and resembles the layout of Facebook. Edmodo provides teachers with a way to engage students, connect to resources, measure student progress, and personalize with apps. To learn more about Edmodo or sign-up, click on this link.

Edmodo is a communication tool that I really like and plan to use with students when I have my own class. It is an even more attractive communication tool now that I know that there is an app for it, which makes communicating with students and teachers easier than ever!  Have fun exploring Edmodo! ~T


  1. Tiffany, I came across Edmodo while researching for our class project! It seems like an awesome resource to use in the classroom and I'm glad to see someone who agrees with me:)

    1. Thanks Jocelyn! You definitely came up with a lot of great apps for our project, nice work! :)

  2. Tiffany, thanks for sharing this App! This provides a quick and easy way to access Edmodo right at our fingertips! How convenient! Nice blog by the way, I had trouble finding it as it was not listed on the course google site with all of the other blogs.

    1. Thanks Sara! I had no idea my blog wasn't listed. Lol! I guess it's to late to worry about it now with 2 days of class left. Glad you found me. :)

  3. I'm so glad you decided to share Edmodo. I've heard about it countless times from other ed students and teachers but have never really explored it. Even though it was utilized at the BYTE Conference this year, I still didn't really explore it. I'm thinking that I definitely need to be getting more on track though.

    Miss L
    Miss L’s Whole Brain Teaching

    1. Hi Miss L, I would definitely encourage you to do that. I love Edmodo as a way to communicate with students and teachers.
