Saturday 9 February 2013

Grading Girl

A task for my Internet for Educators course is to follow an edublogger. After searching various edubloggers, I came across  Grading Girl. I have been following her for a few weeks now and have enjoyed reading her blog and following her on twitter and pinterest. I chose to follow grading girl after  realizing our many educational and personal similarities. 

Grading girl is passionate about reading and literacy, which is something I am also very passionate about. She is a high school National Board Certified English teacher in Chicago, IL. She has a Masters in Secondary Education and Educational Leadership along with endorsements in speech and reading. She also serves as a coordinator for her school's Literacy Coach Mentor Program. I admire her accomplishments and am confident that I can learn a lot from her with regards to literacy.

Grading girl is also passionate about fitness and nutrition. She hopes to pursue a career in personal training when she retires from teaching. Fitness and nutrition is also a passion of mine. Before I started my education degree I was a personal trainer for 3 years. I really enjoyed working with clients on achieving their fitness goals, but aspired to also help students reach their educational goals. Grading girl and I have similar passions, we are simply accomplishing them in a different order.

Grading girl's blog is full of useful resources, which include a variety of lessons, mini-lessons, essays and extra-credit assignments. The resources on her blog do not even compare to the 2,955 resources she has saved on pinterest. It would take me a solid day just to look through them all. However, they are sorted into specific categories, which makes it easy for me to access resources on the topics I need. Grading girl also has many personal reviews on her blog. You can find her "grade" on a number of things from restaurants, to movies, to educational resources and fashion. Another part of grading girl's blog that I really enjoy is her "School's Out" section. This section includes a great variety of exercise and nutrition tips, and includes some great healthy recipes.

I am super excited to have found an edublogger who shares the same interests as me and hope to connect and share with her in the future. If you are also interested in following Grading girl, you can find her blog on the link posted above, follow her on twitter: @GradingGirl, or follow her on pinterest (I highly recommend this): Grading Girl. Until next time! - T


  1. It is awesome that you found a blogger with such similar interests to your own! I read a few of her blogs and she is good! A lot of resources on her page too! She has been added to my reader now, so thanks for this amazing share!

  2. Great pick Tiffany! I've seen "Grading Girl" posts pop up on my PLN and it seems like a lot of well-networked people are saying great things about the work she is doing :)

    Miss L
    Miss L’s Whole Brain Teaching

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Miss L! Spending an hour on the PLN, to me, is the equivalent of spending an entire day at a conference - so many great colleagues and resources!

  3. It sounds like the perfect fit. It is great when you find a fellow educator online that you can connect with. I think it is so cool how you can interact with people that you would never have met without the internet. Thanks for sharing your story and Grading Girl's as well.

    1. I completely agree - we are truly lucky to have this opportunity to share so vastly.

  4. Thanks you guys! I hope you can learn from Grading Girl as well.

  5. Hi, Tiffany! Thank you so much for posting this and recommending me - I am sincerely honored to be featured on your site and to offer any ideas I can as you venture forth with your educational career! It's discovering inspiring educators such as yourself that makes the online PLN such a valuable one. Your years of service as a personal trainer will serve you well as you now inspire a whole new, different set of clientele - your students who amaze us every single day! Keep up the great posts, and thank you for following my site and my Pinterest feed!! I look forward to connecting with you further. 'Til next time!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks for all your comments and encouragement! I feel lucky to have come across your blog and look forward to connecting and learning with you in the future! :)
