Wednesday 20 February 2013

The internet provides everyone with a voice

In class yesterday, Mike Nantais asked us to address two questions. The first question he asked was whether we thought that the internet gives everyone a voice or whether it oppresses peoples' voice. The second question he asked was whether or not we would incorporate social media into our classroom.

Although there was some debate among classmates, my answer to the first question is a firm yes! I agree with arguments that there are certain cases when videos or posts or removed from the internet, or people are denied access to the internet. Unfortunately in these cases, voices are definitely oppressed.  However these cases do not compare to the amount of people who are freely able to express themselves online each and every day. Everyone has the opportunity to share with the world. We can use so many avenues to share our voice. We can share photos through Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr,  and Tumblr, we can share videos through YouTube and Vimeo, we can write our thoughts on blogs and personal websites,  and we can connect with others through facebook, twitter, and LinkedIn. These are only a few of the ways that we can express our voices with the world. The internet not only provides people with a voice, but it can provide animals and our environment with a voice to, who otherwise would never be heard.. This video is a great (but also disturbing) example of how we can use the internet to raise awareness about the effects of pollution to both animals and our world:

In response to the second question, yes I would absolutely incorporate social media into my classroom. It's important for teachers to stay current and part of that is accepting that social media is a huge part of our students lives. Teachers have the opportunity to show students how to engage in social media in a safe way. In class it was discussed that many students are not even aware that they can modify their privacy options for their accounts, in order to stay safe online. By incorporating social media into the classroom you can help students to build safe learning networks and make connections outside of their class which will only enhance their education.

I look forward to helping my students discover and share their voice with their classmates and the world when I begin my teaching career.


  1. I like my voice, too! La la la! Today, we have so many ways to put our thoughts and opinions out there... and that is a good thing! I also agree with you that understanding and using social media will be important to connect with our students. We need to teach and model appropriate use, and demonstrate the learning benefits of connection as well as the entertainment!
