Friday 22 February 2013

Online Video in the Classroom!

Watching videos in class has changed drastically over the years. Gone are the days when students anticipated the sound of the squeaky TV stand wheels entering their classroom. Those big, fat, and heavy TV's seem like dinosaurs compared to the new slim and sleek ones that entertain and educate us today. However, students often don't even watch videos on TV's anymore period. Instead, videos are uploaded online for students to watch and are displayed by projectors onto white boards. Projectors and white boards... terms that were never even heard of in the day of the dinosaur TV.

As educators, we are extremely lucky that technology advances have provided us with endless viewing opportunities to supplement our teaching in the classroom. Videos provide a great way to engage students in what they're learning, and help aid visual learners. Before taking the I4Ed course, I assumed the only source of videos for teachers was YouTube, a sight that some schools have banned due to inappropriate use by students, and inappropriate commercials and adds. Luckily, teachers can also access videos through TEDEd,Vimeo, and iTunesU... sites that I just checked out for the first time and am certain to get a lot of  use of in the future.

The first video I found is on Vimeo, and it provides a comical way to introduce "Oxygen," and how this element interacts with other elements. I really enjoyed watching it and have no doubt that students will enjoy it to. This video could be used by educators who teach science or chemistry. Oxygen Video

The second video I found is on TEDEd and is called, "How we see colour." This informational video could be used by educators who teach health, science or biology to help students visually understand how we see colour... something that would be hard to do without a video.

I wish that I had known about these online video resources in my first student teaching placement. However, I look forward to utilizing them in my second placement, coming up soon (March 11th)!  I also think that having student create a video about a topic that they have learned is a great way to bring technology into the classroom. We could then share our video online so that other students could learn from it. As I have said, the possibilities with technology are endless. :)~T


  1. I love TedEd I often use the videos throughout my placements. The video you found was great I could defiantly use it in Biology 30S. There is also great science videos on Teacher Tube or Youtube. I really like Minute Physics.

    1. Hi Jen, I'm glad you can use this video! I will be sure to check out Teacher Tube. Thanks!

  2. The Oxygen video is so cute. Who knew water was a love triangle?
    While students may not be able to recreate the production quality of that video in the classroom, I could definitely see them using that video as an exemplar for them to share their learning about other elements.
