Thursday 21 February 2013

Digital Footprint...

In social media, a digital footprint is the size of a person's "online presence" measured by the number of individuals with whom they interact. -Definition Link

Before I4Ed, I never really thought too much about my digital footprint. However, I've always been conscious about portraying a positive message/image when posting online. I am a fairly private person and only share things about myself that I think my friends and family would be interested in hearing about.

So, when I Google searched myself to check what my digital footprint says about me, I was not surprised when little came up. If you Google search my name (with Brandon, MB beside it), you will be able to find out that I graduated from Elton Collegiate in 2008, and am a Brandon University student. You will see that I have a Facebook account which you will not be able to access because of my privacy settings. You will also see that I have a personal and professional Twitter account. My personal account followers must be approved, however my professional account is open for anyone to see. Lastly, you will be able to read my limited profile on Google+ and there is an image of me that will take you to this blog if you click on it.

After searching myself I am reminded of George Couros telling our class that employers will be searching us to. Although they will not find any "skeletons in my closet," I would like them to find more of my professional ideas and contributions.  Luckily I still have a year to add to my digital footprint! ~T

Extra thought: The task of exploring digital footprints would also be very beneficial for our students, who often do not realize the lasting impacts of their online actions.


  1. "The task of exploring digital footprints would also be very beneficial for our students, who often do not realize the lasting impacts of their online actions." This is a very good point Tiffany, something that I have personally struggled with when trying to explain this to my 13 year old sister who puts anything and everything up onto Facebook - how little she realizes that this could come back to haunt her someday.

    1. I completely understand Jen! I'm in the same boat with my little brother! All we can do is educate them and our students about the risks of "over-sharing" online.
