Saturday 23 February 2013

App Show and Tell!

Did you know that there is an App for Edmodo?!!

If you aren't familiar with Edmodo, it is a free website that provides an easy and safe way for teachers to connect with students and students to connect with each other. The layout of the website is very user friendly and resembles the layout of Facebook. Edmodo provides teachers with a way to engage students, connect to resources, measure student progress, and personalize with apps. To learn more about Edmodo or sign-up, click on this link.

Edmodo is a communication tool that I really like and plan to use with students when I have my own class. It is an even more attractive communication tool now that I know that there is an app for it, which makes communicating with students and teachers easier than ever!  Have fun exploring Edmodo! ~T

Friday 22 February 2013

Online Video in the Classroom!

Watching videos in class has changed drastically over the years. Gone are the days when students anticipated the sound of the squeaky TV stand wheels entering their classroom. Those big, fat, and heavy TV's seem like dinosaurs compared to the new slim and sleek ones that entertain and educate us today. However, students often don't even watch videos on TV's anymore period. Instead, videos are uploaded online for students to watch and are displayed by projectors onto white boards. Projectors and white boards... terms that were never even heard of in the day of the dinosaur TV.

As educators, we are extremely lucky that technology advances have provided us with endless viewing opportunities to supplement our teaching in the classroom. Videos provide a great way to engage students in what they're learning, and help aid visual learners. Before taking the I4Ed course, I assumed the only source of videos for teachers was YouTube, a sight that some schools have banned due to inappropriate use by students, and inappropriate commercials and adds. Luckily, teachers can also access videos through TEDEd,Vimeo, and iTunesU... sites that I just checked out for the first time and am certain to get a lot of  use of in the future.

The first video I found is on Vimeo, and it provides a comical way to introduce "Oxygen," and how this element interacts with other elements. I really enjoyed watching it and have no doubt that students will enjoy it to. This video could be used by educators who teach science or chemistry. Oxygen Video

The second video I found is on TEDEd and is called, "How we see colour." This informational video could be used by educators who teach health, science or biology to help students visually understand how we see colour... something that would be hard to do without a video.

I wish that I had known about these online video resources in my first student teaching placement. However, I look forward to utilizing them in my second placement, coming up soon (March 11th)!  I also think that having student create a video about a topic that they have learned is a great way to bring technology into the classroom. We could then share our video online so that other students could learn from it. As I have said, the possibilities with technology are endless. :)~T

K-12 Greatest Hits... A Great Podcast for educators!

Podcasts Galore!
Wow! I have to say I am shocked at the endless amount of educational podcasts that are available and free for teachers to listen to! I am so excited about discovering this new way to learn and grow as a future educator. I like to read, but as a University student I certainly get my fill of books and articles etc., so listening to educational information and ideas is very refreshing! I love how you can choose topics that interest you and within a span of 5 to 10 minutes you gain a great deal of new knowledge about that topic. Educational podcasts provide a quick and easy way for teachers to stay informed about current issues in their field. I came across the K-12 Greatest hits podcast and listened to the segments, "Is homework dead?" and "Keeping up with the pace of education technology."

Is homework dead?
The first podcast, "Is homework dead," interested me because teachers have ALWAYS handed out homework. That's just the way it has always been, so it interested me that this podcast would address this topic. I was surprised to find out that research and studies have proven that homework does not contribute to student learning. A point that was brought up about math homework comes to mind. Personally, I have found that repetition of questions helped me understand math when I was a student. So, when I was out student teaching for the first time I had a tendency to give my students extra math questions that they could take home to work on after teaching a new lesson. However, the point that was made addressed the issue that when students are at home doing homework they do not always have someone to correct them when they are answering questions incorrectly. Students end up practicing their math problems the wrong way and it can be difficult for teachers to get them back on track. I hadn't thought of it this way before. In the future I will adjust this by still offering students practice sheets, but I will not make them mandatory. Another problem with homework is students copying from one another. When homework is made mandatory this can happen quite often and is very counterproductive. When this is happening what are we ultimately teaching students? As a current student and future teacher I am quite aware of the time constraints on students and so I am conscious about  not giving out a ton of homework. I will continue to be conscious of this and only give it out when it is absolutely necessary and after I have given students time to complete their work in class. By cutting out homework, students will have time at home to learn about things that they are interested in and have some much needed downtime. It is important for schools to talk about their homework policies. Just because teachers have always given homework in the past does not mean that we should continue to do so...especially if research does not support it.

Keeping up with the pace of education technology
The second podcast, "Keeping up with the pace of education technology," was also very informative and related well with our I4Ed class. This podcast started off stating that many teachers feel scared and overwhelmed by the fast pace of technology. I sometimes feel this way and am grateful to be a part of a course (I4Ed) that pushes me to use and explore technology in a variety of ways that I'm not sure I would have otherwise (like using podcasts for example). I realize the importance of staying current with technology as it can provide so many benefits to teaching and learning. This podcast offered some tips for teachers with regards to using technology. The first tip which I really like and agree with is to ask yourself, "Is it necessary to keep up with and use everything?" There are so many options for teachers through social networking, bookmarking, blogs and podcasts to follow, etc. Teachers already have many time constraints so it is important for us to determine what works best for us and our students. We don't have to be a part of EVERY bookmarking and social networking site. Another tip offered  was to find a partner that you can explore technology with and work together. It's important for teachers to support each other to keep up with technology. Other tips included setting up a blog (check), joining twitter and following other educators (check) and utilizing this information packed website:

It is obvious by the length of this post that I have already learned a great deal from listening to only two podcasts. I look forward to continue my learning in this way and encourage you to check out the K-12 Greatest Hits podcast! ~T

Thursday 21 February 2013

Web-based courses with Donald Girouard and Sophia Palahicky

In class today we were visited by two presenters, Donald Girouard and Sophia Palahicky. Donald and Sophia came to share information with us about Web-based courses offered in the Manitoba educational system. Previous to their presentation, I thought of web-based learning as simply taking an online course. However, Donald and Sophia shared that there are actually 4 ways to use web-based learning, which include: 1) As a teacher resource 2) With a face-to-face class, 3) With actual distance learners, 4) As part of blended learning environments. The last one, a blended learning environment, involves using a variety of instructional approaches, which can include face-to-face teaching, HTV or Web Conferencing, Web-Based course options, teacher mediated options, and independent study options. Donald and Sophia suggest that the best instructional models use blended approaches.

So what are the reasons for taking courses online? One of the biggest reasons we talked about was the limited variety of course option available in rural school divisions. In a small town where only 2 students wish to take Physics, the course is likely to be cut. Web-based courses solve this problem and helps small town’s support their students’ educational goals.  Another reason we discussed which I think would be very beneficial for high school students is Credit Recovery.  Students who fail a course are given the option of credit recovery through web-based courses, whereby the student completes units/topics that they struggled with and does not have to re-do units that they were already successful in. Web-based courses also benefit students by offering them alternative methods of learning and earning credits, resolving timetable issues and preparing students for lifelong learning.

A question/concern that Sophia and Donald have heard from teachers about Manitoba’s web-based courses is that online learning will take away teachers jobs. Sophia and Donald assured us that this will not happen. Manitoba Education developed web-based courses to be mediated by teachers, to support teachers and school, to support learners, to assure congruence with the curriculum, and to model good pedagogy for e-Learning and in assessment strategies. So we future teachers need not worry.  With 46 web-based courses currently available, this is sure to be a great resource for educators and students. To see the list of Web-based courses available, click on this link. A big thank you to Donald and Sophia for visiting our class today. ~T

Digital Footprint...

In social media, a digital footprint is the size of a person's "online presence" measured by the number of individuals with whom they interact. -Definition Link

Before I4Ed, I never really thought too much about my digital footprint. However, I've always been conscious about portraying a positive message/image when posting online. I am a fairly private person and only share things about myself that I think my friends and family would be interested in hearing about.

So, when I Google searched myself to check what my digital footprint says about me, I was not surprised when little came up. If you Google search my name (with Brandon, MB beside it), you will be able to find out that I graduated from Elton Collegiate in 2008, and am a Brandon University student. You will see that I have a Facebook account which you will not be able to access because of my privacy settings. You will also see that I have a personal and professional Twitter account. My personal account followers must be approved, however my professional account is open for anyone to see. Lastly, you will be able to read my limited profile on Google+ and there is an image of me that will take you to this blog if you click on it.

After searching myself I am reminded of George Couros telling our class that employers will be searching us to. Although they will not find any "skeletons in my closet," I would like them to find more of my professional ideas and contributions.  Luckily I still have a year to add to my digital footprint! ~T

Extra thought: The task of exploring digital footprints would also be very beneficial for our students, who often do not realize the lasting impacts of their online actions.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

The internet provides everyone with a voice

In class yesterday, Mike Nantais asked us to address two questions. The first question he asked was whether we thought that the internet gives everyone a voice or whether it oppresses peoples' voice. The second question he asked was whether or not we would incorporate social media into our classroom.

Although there was some debate among classmates, my answer to the first question is a firm yes! I agree with arguments that there are certain cases when videos or posts or removed from the internet, or people are denied access to the internet. Unfortunately in these cases, voices are definitely oppressed.  However these cases do not compare to the amount of people who are freely able to express themselves online each and every day. Everyone has the opportunity to share with the world. We can use so many avenues to share our voice. We can share photos through Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr,  and Tumblr, we can share videos through YouTube and Vimeo, we can write our thoughts on blogs and personal websites,  and we can connect with others through facebook, twitter, and LinkedIn. These are only a few of the ways that we can express our voices with the world. The internet not only provides people with a voice, but it can provide animals and our environment with a voice to, who otherwise would never be heard.. This video is a great (but also disturbing) example of how we can use the internet to raise awareness about the effects of pollution to both animals and our world:

In response to the second question, yes I would absolutely incorporate social media into my classroom. It's important for teachers to stay current and part of that is accepting that social media is a huge part of our students lives. Teachers have the opportunity to show students how to engage in social media in a safe way. In class it was discussed that many students are not even aware that they can modify their privacy options for their accounts, in order to stay safe online. By incorporating social media into the classroom you can help students to build safe learning networks and make connections outside of their class which will only enhance their education.

I look forward to helping my students discover and share their voice with their classmates and the world when I begin my teaching career.

Saturday 16 February 2013

"WHY are you using technology in your classroom?" ~ Clarence Fisher

Last week our I4Ed class was able to have a quick Skype visit with Clarence Fisher, a teacher who works in the small northern community of Snow Lake. Clarence posed many great points in a small amount of time, however, what struck me the most was this question: "Why are you using technology in your classroom?"

Clarence told us that it is not enough to simply bring technology into the classroom because it can liven up our lesson plans and make our classes more interesting...although these are still great uses. However, we have once again been hit with the idea that there is so much more that we can do with technology through sharing. Through sharing, Clarence has given his students the opportunity to make global connections and build networks with students all over the world.

"Our job as teachers is to help kids have a network of their own that they work within, whether that’s kids in their classroom, or kids on the other side of the world. The learning that occurs in the classroom is only as strong as the network it learns within." ~ Clarence Fisher

In order for teachers to help their students build connections and networks, teachers must be well connected. Infusing students with global perspectives from classrooms around the world is a much better purpose for technology in the classroom than just "making it interesting." How will you make sure that you are using the internet to its fullest potential in your classroom? ~ T

To learn more from Clarene, follow him on Twitter: @glassbeed

Saturday 9 February 2013

Grading Girl

A task for my Internet for Educators course is to follow an edublogger. After searching various edubloggers, I came across  Grading Girl. I have been following her for a few weeks now and have enjoyed reading her blog and following her on twitter and pinterest. I chose to follow grading girl after  realizing our many educational and personal similarities. 

Grading girl is passionate about reading and literacy, which is something I am also very passionate about. She is a high school National Board Certified English teacher in Chicago, IL. She has a Masters in Secondary Education and Educational Leadership along with endorsements in speech and reading. She also serves as a coordinator for her school's Literacy Coach Mentor Program. I admire her accomplishments and am confident that I can learn a lot from her with regards to literacy.

Grading girl is also passionate about fitness and nutrition. She hopes to pursue a career in personal training when she retires from teaching. Fitness and nutrition is also a passion of mine. Before I started my education degree I was a personal trainer for 3 years. I really enjoyed working with clients on achieving their fitness goals, but aspired to also help students reach their educational goals. Grading girl and I have similar passions, we are simply accomplishing them in a different order.

Grading girl's blog is full of useful resources, which include a variety of lessons, mini-lessons, essays and extra-credit assignments. The resources on her blog do not even compare to the 2,955 resources she has saved on pinterest. It would take me a solid day just to look through them all. However, they are sorted into specific categories, which makes it easy for me to access resources on the topics I need. Grading girl also has many personal reviews on her blog. You can find her "grade" on a number of things from restaurants, to movies, to educational resources and fashion. Another part of grading girl's blog that I really enjoy is her "School's Out" section. This section includes a great variety of exercise and nutrition tips, and includes some great healthy recipes.

I am super excited to have found an edublogger who shares the same interests as me and hope to connect and share with her in the future. If you are also interested in following Grading girl, you can find her blog on the link posted above, follow her on twitter: @GradingGirl, or follow her on pinterest (I highly recommend this): Grading Girl. Until next time! - T

Friday 1 February 2013

"It's not about impacting your classroom; it's about impacting your school."-George Couros

Our “Internet for Educators,” class was fortunate to be able to Skype with George Couros yesterday afternoon. George made many valuable points, through which I saw a main theme After reflecting on his words, I think his message boils down to how much teachers care about their school and their students. I have no question that he truly cares about his. Teacher’s who truly care about their students, will have no problem taking the following tips from George and putting them into practice.

Tips from George Couros:
           Use the internet to build relationships with students.
George is the first speaker that we have had who has addressed not only how we can use technology for educational purposes, but also for enhancing our relationships with students. There are so many ways that we can use the internet to show our students that we care about them individually.

 Connect with students first, teach content second.
How can we expect to meet the needs of our students without first getting to know them? Spending time to get to know our students interests, strengths and weaknesses, and telling them about some of ours is a great way to connect with students. Once you have built a trusting and respectful relationship with your students, teaching them becomes so much easier and effective.

 Have a growth mindset.
I love the education field because I know that I will never stop growing and learning as a teacher. George reminded us to always look for ways in which we can improve. Teachers have the opportunity to attend many professional development sessions throughout their careers to help them in this area. However, the internet and the connections and conversations we have with fellow educators also provide great opportunities to grow and learn, so long as we seek out these opportunities. To quote George, “You do not need to be an expert teacher, but an expert learner.”

 Focus on character education.
An educator’s role involves much more than teaching the curriculum. George challenged us, saying, “How are you working with students to make them better people?” I think that this is so important. As teacher’s we have many opportunities to instill good morals and values into our students through every day trials and triumphs. The best way that we can build good character into our students is by modelling it for them every day. We must be aware that as teacher’s we are also role models and our students are always watching.

  Remember that passion is infectious.
George told us that, “The trick for teachers is to get kids passionate about what they’re go above and beyond.” The best way to get students passionate about what you’re teaching them is if YOU are passionate about what you’re teaching them. Students can tell when teachers really believe in the importance of what they’re teaching. If teachers believe this, so will students. Passion is infectious.

Engage your students.
Engaging your students means catching their attention and interest in what you’re about to teach. If you plan on teaching a lesson about frogs, show them an intriguing video, tell them a funny story, or bring a guest frog into your class for the day. These are ways to get your student to want to learn what you’re about to teach and be engaged throughout your lesson. George challenged us yet again, asking, “Would you want to sit in your classroom?” This is a great question to keep in mind when lesson planning. I think the bets learning takes place when learning is fun.

 Have strong communication skills.
George also talked to us about the importance of having strong communication skills, with regard to parents. For example, there are times when it is appropriate to e-mail a parent and times when a phone call is a better option. He told us to NEVER e-mail a parent when there is a problem with their child at school, as e-mails can be easily misconstrued.

When George has a problem with a student, he first asks them: “Why are you here?” He said if you tell them why they are in trouble, they will likely just tune you out.  He then asks the child, “What would you do if you were me?” The child will usually respond with a consequence that is much worse than he himself would. After that, he and the child call home together to tell the parents about the situation, to ensure that the truth goes home from both the teacher and child at the same time. He also makes sure that he builds the child up and lets the parent know that he cares about their child.

After our skype session with George yesterday, I went to my Lighthouse after-school program and ended up having a problem with a student. The student continuously had trouble keeping his hands to himself. I used the strategy that George told us about and it worked great! The child thought his consequence should be to get kicked out of the program! I let the child know that we enjoyed having him at Lighthouse and he agreed to keep his hands to himself for the rest of our time together. I will definitely keep using this strategy at Lighthouse and in my teaching. I will also keep in mind this quote from George: “Our job is not to give consequences, but to help students do better in the future.”

 Be a SCHOOL teacher, not just a CLASSROOM teacher.
George also talked to us about the difference between being a “school” teacher, vs. a “classroom,” teacher. The best teacher’s are the ones that enrich their entire school, not just their classrooms. It is our job to build relationships with all of the kids at our school. Some ways that we can do this is by coaching other grades in sports, playing intramurals with other grades, making a point of getting to know other students when you are out on duty or simply walking through the halls. I think this is such an important concept. If all teachers thought this way, it would improve so many schools. I like the idea of already knowing all my students names before they enter my class on the first day of school, because I have already been working to build relationships with them. Although all of George’s tips were greatly appreciated, this one was my favorite and something I had not thought of before.

I look forward to putting these principles into practice when I am teaching.
You can follow George on twitter: @gcourous